I remembered to take my camera with me today and despite the fact that everything is aching and I am on painkillers I managed to do a reasonable walk.
The two and three year old fillies were in a bunch down by the fence, the tall one is a Welsh Cob the rest are welsh A and B's, a nice lot.
I rather liked the clouds in the last one, shows how dry we look too. The colours on the grasses and reeds in the creek looked interesting and I liked their contrasting textures.
I got the latest Quilting Arts today and love the panels of found objects, as I am always picking up odds and ends this has spurred me on to do something like it for myself.
I am also still mulling over what to do for this months take it Further Challenge and am now thinking that as my fabric book is really supposed to be a celebration of my mothers life that I would take as my theme hats, she always wore one, with gloves and was very clever at making them over so that they looked different, we didnt ever seem to have much money when I was at school and with three daughters and on a Professors salary in those days there wasnt much left for my mother to dress herself up for the formal things she had to go to.
This may change but at the moment this is the way I think I may go.
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