These are my colours for the Take it further Challenge that Sharon b has on her in a minute ago blog.
They havent scanned very well and I am still a bit worried that they are not right but in the flesh they look better. I bought two new threads but used the others that I had. I still have to find some materials to go with them.
The colours are ok but the challenge is to do something that you remember from way back, well I was born in 1939 so I can remember wood stoves, kero lamps, out door loo's and no running water in my grandmothers cottage, petrol rationing during the war and even in Australia we had food rationing.
I am still thinking about what to do, even when I married I came from the city to a wood stove and 32 volt electricity and a kero fridge. Worst was washing using a boiler.
we were skiing when man walked on the moon and I was ironing when John Kennedy was asassinated, no I dont think I will go there, man on the moon might be interesting.
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