I have always meant to stop and take this view and as I had to go over to McLaren Vale this morning to collect some oysters, i stopped off on Malpas Rd and got the bonus of the big round hay bales as well.
I love the Willunga hills but in some ways it is unfortunate that those hills that I always knew as bare and with fascinating folds and shadows in them are now being re vegetated and so we are losing a lot of the lovely lines they have.
I suppose it is a good thing they are being revegetated but for all my life until now they had sheep on them and were large acreages, now they are smaller areas . I was told once that originally the rabbit plagues wiped out all the original trees but i dont know how true that is.
Certainly rabbits are becoming a problem again, even here where John has been assiduous over the years in controlling them they are reappearing, small blocks, hobby farmers who wont want to kill things, all have their problems.
To think that we got married on the money he got from rabbit skins and selling newly caught rabbits.
There was a film for Charity locally last night, Richard Gere and Diane Lane in Nights in Rhodanthe, the north Carolina scenery was stunning and it was a beautiful film, even John enjoyed it. I can recommend it.