I have cut up some of yesterdays fabric and after backing it with some silk and going around the edges with zig zag I am now playing with beading and couching some thread down.
I will I hope finish them tonight, just something else I thought of and wanted to see if they would work.
Warming up today, I have been doing a bit of house work so not a lot of time for much else.
About to feed the dogs and go for a walk before trying to organise dinner, I am trying to get to the bottom of the deep freeze and there isnt much in there that is very exciting. All that mince! maybe I will do a meat loaf, havent done one of those for years. I dont suppose John will be too happy about it though.
These have made up very well Penny
Doreen is right, they have turned out really well.
I think they work Penny - very nice. Will they be Christmas ornaments?
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