I was trying to do a bit of fancy stitching here, as this is a stitch I know well, but somehow I dont think being fancy quite worked.
I would also like to let people know that sharon b of in a minute ago blog whose link is on my side bar is starting a new challenge next year, this will be a monthly design one and I am looking foreward to it.
I have enjoyed the challenge of keeping up with this weekly one, but it was a lot easier than the daily walk one I did with Julie and Alison last and part of this year.
One of those days in which shopping and mundane things got done, and so much cooler than yesterday, we both felt sleepy.
Off to another dinner tonight, I will never lose that half stone.
I finally printed off all the Workshop on the Web stuff this morning and there are a few things I cant wait to try. I also had fun looking up the Bayeux Tapestry, wouldnt you know John has heaved out the National Geographic that had the whole thing in it, it was August 1966 but even so!
I rather felt in touch with the rather primitive designs, and to think that in the French Revolution they tore it down and used it as a wagon cover.
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