This is chained bar stitch and we are almost to the end of the year of different weekly stitches very kindly put up by sharonb of inaminuteago blog. Next year Sharon will be doing a monthly creative challenge called taking it further which I look forward to doing.
None of my stitches are as good as many of the other people who have participated in this challenge but I have enjoyed doing most of them and learnt a lot.
I hope next year to get all my samples up into a book, I have started but I have a long way to go.
I had time to sit, well I needed time to sit as I didnt sleep at all well last night, we had a mozzie in the room and that is enough to keep anyone awake.
It is warm and humid and little bits of drizzle but not enough to do anybody any good. Just keeps the dust down and makes our outside bbq tonight a bit problematic. I do have a fall back plan.
John has gone to collect Jill from the airport and I have about an hour before I have to burst back into action.
Lovely stitching Penny --and remember it was a challenge not a competition and at least we will have seen it out to the end.
Well done.
its a work to be proud of. i think when we do something out of our heart, iits the process and passion we put through it that matters. Happy holidays and thank you for passing by my place too.
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