This is the recipe that I have been looking for for two years, so today I made it, it has been the favorite Birthday cake in our family for years.
Known as the Karl Heinz cake because I always made it when we went skiing for our friend and ski instructor Karl Heinz.
Bit of bad news today, actually I am p....d off, the second car we had been looking at and had said we would have was sold from under us. Actually I think John was secretly pleased as he didnt want to spend thent money but I need something to get around with, not so bad if you live in the city, but out here there is no public transport. I dont think he realises how isolated I feel.
Our friend Jill arrives tomorrow from Queensland, I have 10 or so for dinner tomorrow night and then Wednesday to get ready to go to Kangaroo island on Thursday. John's 70th is on Friday and Tabby and her family and friends come over for lunch so it is all go and I am getting a bit stressed about the whole thing.
So dont expect a lot of blog entries or if they are, no photos or things I have done.
You get busier and busier! Take a deep breath and one step at a time.
And have a lovely holiday while you're at it......*S*
Be glad you don't have snow and ice all over the place, on top of everything else.
you know what pen even a non compus like me has had joy from looking at the stiches thankyou
hello to jill
for the comment on snow that's tough but I have just barrowed grey water to keep the lawns alive
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