I enjoyed this once I worked it out, which wasnt very hard, so another one for the year.
I went to Adelaide today, I left early and went to see my mother for a couple of hours, she was a bit "off" today, I am not sure why, said she was bored to tears and couldnt wait to get away. It is a bit hard telling her she wont be getting away.
From there I went to the Doll Club meeting, I dont get to very many of these but as it was the Christmas one and my friend Joy was talking about her trip to India it was a lovely meeting to go to.
I have a funny tale to tell too because when we were at Tiddy Widdy Joy gave me a lovely pashmina and then said I need this for the doll club talk and took it back. I thought no more about it until two nights ago when I suddenly wondered if I had dreamt her giving it to me and if I hadnt where was it. All was revealed today.
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