Today we had a long drive, packed sandwhiches and apples a bottle of wine and one of water and headed out to Cape Borda to see a bit of the bushfire damage in the northern area of Flinder's Chase. Interesting to see that mostly on one side of the road it hadnt burnt but for hectares and hectares south it was nothing but burnt areas.
The first photo is of Harvey's return where the lighthouse keepers unloaded their supplies and had to get them up this awful hill, we only went half way down so we could take photos as it was very steep and not very safe under foot.
the next is from Scotts lookout looking east on the north coast, lovely looking cliffs and bays, a mecca for sailors in the summer, not too good in winter.
The next two photos are of the bushfire , one looking south over the hectares of Flinders Chase that have been burnt, It will be interesting to see it in the next couple of years, our scrub needs a burn to regenerate a lot of stuff.
The last one is a close up of one area that had bigger trees in it.
An interesting day but tiring by the time I had climbed up and down two cliffs in different areas.
Lovely bird!
it is amazing how much your landscape, and that here look the same. Sea, heat and bush fires...
I like that embroidery a lot, Penny, especially the squares around the outside of the bird. Really nice idea.
Hi Penny
Joy and I have been looking at your blog. Photos really show the bushfire devastation. Nice to get to the glass bead studio.
Looks as if you are having a good break.
Joy and I are wondering when you will be back?
Happy birthday to John
Happy New Year and all that, too.
Cheers from Christine and Joy
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