Thursday, August 03, 2006

Grumpy week end

aThe first photo is of two of the Grumpy girls working hard and the second one is of my strange polymer clay faces waiting to be made into a necklace and two gold foilded pendants that we made over the week end as well.
Since I got home I have been very busy cleaning out my cupboards and my shed. I have done sketches on the boots and sketchbook blog (in the links). This is to make room for some of the stuff coming from my mother's unit.
I seem to be a glutton for punishment as I just get tireder and tireder (if that is a word.)
I rang my mother today who sounds a bit confused but cheerful. I hope to get to see her on Sunday.
To night I have two of my grand children staying overnight, and Spot the dog for the week end. We have had very little rain and it is getting warmer and warmer, I hope this isnt the end of winter and any rain or we will be in a dreadful mess.


Jan Allsopp said...

I'm please to see the weekend doesn't 'look' grumpy. It looks great infact, as do your creations.

The Lone Beader® said...

I really love those gold leaves you made. I could come up with a use for those...Also, I left a comment on your post about your dog Jake. :)