Friday, August 04, 2006

EDM Challenge Souvenires

I bought these little wooden kokishi dolls on two different trips to Japan, I love them both, the right hand one is a more traditional Girls day doll I believe and the other is a more modern version.
They were done with watercolour pencils wetted after I had drawn them.
Of course after they were done I discovered that they were rather wonky, but I still quite like them.
A busy day, grand children to get off this morning, lunches to get, shopping to do, but I did have a few minutes to myself doing the drawing, I would love a bit of time to actually paint but so far it hasnt happened.
I walked the dogs up to the top of the hill tonight and found that one of the gums on the top of the iron stone rise that I like to climb up to had broken off a large branch so I collected some seeds and flowers from it while they were fresh.


Anastasia said...

these are adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

Having visited Japan many times, we have collected several kokeshi, but you have rendered yours a special charm. The Japanese would snap this picture up in an instant Penny, sooo appealing. Well done.