Sunday, September 02, 2012

Kings Beach

We walked over to kings Beach yesterday after going to the market, a beautiful morning with sun and clouds and blue sky. All in all a wonderful day, I have and am still having problems loading photos onto blogger, I am allowed one if I am lucky and none through picasa which I prefer. It is a damn nuisance and I took lots of lovely photos yesterday. This morning walking Max early there was the remains of the huge moon low on the western horizon in a clear sky, Infact I got quite hot walking. Spring is certainly in the air, the big black cockatoos were around calling and alighting in the trees looking for pine cones and banksia seeds to eat. There were a zillion little blue wrens fighting over females and territories, I havent seen so many together for ages, we call them the flying mice as they are so small. I could hear the willy wagtails singing and I guess they are nesting too and in one of the water filled hollows there was a black duck with about 8 newly hatched ducklings. Blossom is coming out in waves as the prunus trees have their few days and then the next variety comes out, in some places the ground is almost white or pink with fallen blossom. It is Fathers day here in Australia, John has gone fishing, lucky man it is a glorious day for it. I have finished the beanie with pom pom as requested and have started on another I hope smaller one, as the last was rather large. At the moment all I want to do is sit out and bask in the sun but unfortunately I have inside jobs to do. I hope everyone has had a lovely week end.

1 comment:

Robin Mac said...

What a shame blogger won't let you post any more than one photo, the walk sounds as if it would have been lovely. Are you seeing any bees down there? We don't seem to have any around here other than the hive of native bees which lives in our gate post. I don't know what has happened to them all. Cheers