we went out to Arnhem land to climb this hill and see the rock art there but today, suddenly mens business was going on so we couldnt go. I would love to see the art but think the hill and the heat may have been too much for me.
We went over the east alligator river and there were people fishing off the ford and we saw 3 huge crocodiles in the water right near them These big crocs are terribly dangerous and people have been taken from there
.I bought some lovely stuff at Oenpelli, a dilly bag and a basket and several books and a lovely painting by Simon, whose hands you can see describing how he makes a brush for the very fine cross harching on the painting he was showing us. Fascinating.
The rock art we did see and the best so far was late in the afternoon when we went out to Nourlangie, still hot but such interesting stuff.
I am tired and tomorrow is another big day as we head down to Katherine.
Sorry I could expand on this but John wants the computer.
Have a good week end.
Hi Penny, looks like you are having a great time, despite the heat. Beautiful photos, love the colours of the land. Are you seeing Mary Hetts. and Estelle? Take care love deb xox
Oooooo loving these photos!! Your purchases look so divine! It must have been amazing to see the paintings being done and chatting to the artist. When you have time look at the size of these brushes. Some of them weigh 150 lbs.
What a wonderful trip you are having!
Amazing art! Thank you for the photos. Enjoying them very much.
What wonderful colours and the art work is amazing. You're so lucky to have the opportunity to visit the Northern Territory- so different from anything else. Be careful of the crocs!
Love to you both,
What lovely photos. Australian landscape is amazing. Have a really good holiday. Thanks for sharing.
The art was fantastic!
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