We have a small private quarry where stone for farm tracks is available.
We went up the other day to look for a suitable stone to put near where we scattered my mothers ashes.
It all takes time but funerals seem to get you into the mood again.
I think we have found one, now for someone to collect it and put it in its place, and then I can get a plaque for it.
Such a lovely place at the base of the hills, but we did discover a rather nasty weed has developed, it is an area we dont often go to these days, once we spent hours walking all through this area but wobbly legs dont make for a lot of exploration these days.
I am busy baking today, and getting together some of my stuff to take away with me.
My toe which was comfortable was redressed and is now uncomfortable agian. We have pulled it apart and redressed it twice but ...
Oh well one day it will be ok.
As always lovely photos Penny. I hope your toe improves before you go away at the weekend. Cheers
Good idea to mark the area where they ashes lay. Difficult, but very nice.
Painful toe, go away!!!!!
xoxo- Julie
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