Thursday, May 27, 2010

Seen along the oyster walk

This is where we usually start from when we walk the oyster walk as this is directly opposite the shack, a lovely walk down towards the channel and the further reaches of Coffin Bay.
The next photo is the view down the channel to the islands and the begining of the bay as it opens out.
The whole area is huge, the fellows only go about half way and that takes them about 3/4 to an hour getting there in the boat.
Yesterday they got their bag limit of whiting and quite a lot of squid. We over ate on squid (calamari) last night.
the next photos are of the signs that have been put up along the walk, a great idea and I have a few more. If you click on them I think you can read about the things you may see.
We went to the big morning tea this morning, in aid of cancer research and the locals all turn out in force, so we are full of tea and cream cakes! Not good for the figure.
On the way there we met three large emu's wandering down the road but too much traffic and no time for a photo. These are regulars and quite used to people.
I havent walked yet today, a small one later on I think but my knee and hip are not talking nicely to each other so a bit more gentle exercise will be the go today.

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1 comment:

Art4Sol said...

It looks like paradise!