We had over an inch of rain last night, plus gale force winds and freezing , well not really freezing but cold for us temperatures.
This morning when i walked max there was water all over our neighbours flat but by the time I got down there to go in to get the mail and papers it had dropped a bit,but even so.
I love the bubbles and odd waves and riffles that the creek has when it is in flood. I see I even got a duck.
I love it when the creek floods. Sorry to have so many watery photos but although I am doing some textile stuff and an on line class with Carla Sonheim, I havent got very far with anything as yet, not enough to show.
Perhaps over the week end I will get it done.
I love doing on line classes but I run out of room on my computer, no thats not right, I use up all my allowance of gigabytes or whatever they are with so many of them now on video and I have to sit and write it all down so I dont have to go back to it again and again. John gets cross when his computer goes slow as it is the business computer.
Also I really like to see what I am doing so I tend to get some stuff done and then wait to the end. This time I found my gesso wasnt thick enough so I have had to go over the cardboard several times and in this cold weather it doesnt dry very quickly.
I have spent 2 days trying to work out how to bind my book I want to take away with me to Darwin, finally I think I know what I am doing, simple longstitch and using a pizza box for a cover, but that is taking time to dry too.
This one I am making will have several different types of paper in it, I am hoping for lots of time to play in it!
I really wanted to do coptic stitch but it is so long since I did a bookmaking class I have forgotten and all my books seem to make it all very complicated.
Perhaps another one later, but I also have a lovely little one that Fiona Dempsey had made for me.
click to enlarge.
I can relate to your enjoyment of the flooding creek, Penny. When are creeks flood with run off from the surrounding hills, the sound and look of that rushing water is powerful.
Congrats, Penny, on the rain. I can never see too many photos of water. We are hoping for some, tonight,, in fact, but it looks on the map as if it will round us.
OOOps...It looks as if the rain will GO round us, I mean.
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