W and I had organised to have a bit of a wander around the SALA exhibits and I especially wanted to go up to Stirling, a village in the Adelaide Hills to see a book exhibition that was on, only small but I loved it and the bookshop is a lovely 'proper' bookshop called Matilda's.
The first photo is of the main street, hellebores were blooming every where, and I bought in a lovely fruit shop a beautiful darl one so I am pleased. The camellia was on the other side of the road next to a bank ATM. Cold and damp and with the threat of gales which thank heaven held off until the evening, so did most of the rain.
We found a good coffee shop and some pretty woeful other exhibitors who painted badly on the whole and had an over inflated idea of their worth.
So from there we back tracked down to the Mclaren Vale area and the third photo is of the view from Penny's Hill winery where there was a really good exhibition of Stavros Pippos photographs, I am not normally madly keen on photos but these were fantastic. After being frustrated by the fact that some venues were not open when they said they would be, or were not because it was Wednesday, we finally made it up to Dog Ridge Winery where these wonderful bird paintings of Jen Wrights were, and all very affordably priced.
So an enjoyable wet day spent with lots of chat and things to talk about.
I drove and got home tired but that really didnt matter.
Back in the land of the living!
1 comment:
Loved the photo of the sheep behind the rail fence and the vineyards beyond the trees...the composition was perfect, Penny. The rows of everything complimented each other...'land of the living'!
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