Wandering out in the house paddock these about to be weaned calves came and looked at me, I think they are the last of about 100 that we have raised. I am not sure if you can see but there3 is the odd red and white in there as well, we rather like that variation on the Holsteins but overseas buyers dont, they think they should be black and white only.
You can see how cold and damp it is, oh and the school bus is going along the road as well.
I took these liquidamber leaves still holding onto the tree at the bottom of the orchard and the misty damp look of the trees behind, it kept drizzling and then pouring with rain as we were bringing the mares in to sort them out, some getting a little sore in the feet, a couple due to foal in a week or so and the not in foal mares sorted to be put in with the stallions next month.
The side of the house in all its wintry splendour seen from the orchard
Busy few days, have to go with my daughter to have a skin cancer removed tomorrow and that could take a lot of the day, off to see my doctor this afternoon for a progress report.
Still in house cleaning and tidying mode, but for how much longer!!
Click all photos for a clearer view.
I know it sounds mundane, but if you left the owls open at the bottom and put a little thing to hang them up with, they would make very good pot holders.
You make it sound so easy...maybe I will try making a few flat owls, even use them as potholders as Virginia suggest, they would be cute in the kitchen.
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