This morning when I went into the farmerws market Francesco had this wonderful crinkly savoy cabbage. I had to have it with some of the other things because it looks so eminently painable, wether I will be able to or not I dont know but at the moment it is taking pride of place as a kitchen ornament.

The lovely old fashioned freesias are just starting to flower too, they have naturalised in some places around here but I have terrible trouble just getting a few to stay with me. They smell divine.
I am having a go at Jude Hill's feather project, if you go to my side bar you can click and go to her blog and from there there is something on one of her side bars, I am hopeless at getting things onto my blog so now dont try, but this is a nice project she is hoping to get lots and put them together for needy children. These are my practice feathers, so nice to just pick up and play with.
I am also dyeing some cloth today, I am not a dye person at all except for the eco dyeing but as this is cotton I need something that will dye that, so I hope I have followed all the instructions and that it will work, one of the colours isnt quite what I had in mind!
I am not sure if I have guests tonight or not but the house is now dusted and vacuumed, and I am about to go and make a casserole in case they arrive late and need to be fed.
Whoops one of my little angels landed on this blog, they should be on my other one, if you want to know what they are doing go to my other blog (see side bar!)
Then I will sit quietly for a while and possibly read my book.
John is fishing but tomorrow I hope to go and see a bit around the place.
Have a lovely week end.

Love the whirling feathers!!!
The scene on your table makes a lovely picture, Penny. You do seem to be feeling so much better these days. I've missed a few posts due to a busy end of summer with the grandkids, school starts on the 25th and things will get back to normal!
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