Here is a sink full of some of the fish John caught on Sunday, a lot of it is what we call Oscar fish as we dont think much of red mullet
Here is Oscar waiting for his fish, I am sorry about the background but if you dont take his photo in a hurry he has gone.
The lovely orchid in the bathroom, it has a delicious smell that goes all through the house, it is a zygopetalum and I seem to be able to grow and flower them quite well.
Finally the prunus mume is flowering by the bedroom door, smelling lovely and the bees are loving it, it might still be August here and supposedly winter but our winters on the whole are pretty mild, although this year we are a bit dry, we just hope for a wet spring.
There has been some talk about what books we are reading, well I am finally reading, rather slowly, The Secret Life of Bees which I am finding very interesting.
Off to Adelaide, again, to collect my grandsons boxer pup from the airport, I really dont want to go again as we were there yesterday but sometimes things just have to be done.
Wow! Spring already. We are in the middle of three warm, summer days until it turns cool again. The orchids are beautiful.
You seem to be feeling much better.
Lovely orchids,'s been awhile, but I remember enjoying The Secret Life of Bees.
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