Thursday, November 27, 2008


I had a lovely afternoon with my daughter Tabby and her daughters Gaby and Millie and Gaby's son Mason.
I hadnt seen Mason for a few weeks and he has grown and got quite heavy. Milile was most excited to see Gaby but not quite so sure about Mummy holding Mason. With me there we had the 4 generations, but of course I had the camera!
We all gathered for a cup of coffee and caught up on all the news, since Gaby moved in with her father we dont see her as much as we did. I think it is a good thing she is in the town as she can now get to the young mothers group, although it has opened her eyes as to what goes on, she is quite horrified at the age of some of the girls who are pregnant, and to tell the truth so am I.
we are having a bit of drizzle at the moment which is nice but it is such a small amount it really doesnt do any good.
Had a lovely day with the girls yesterday, lunch in town is a great way of getting over seeing my mother, shouldnt say that but I feell pretty depressed after seeing her and a table of fun friends was a tonic I needed.


Alison said...

Lovely photos.

annie said...

An aging and sick mother can pull on our heartstrings so I'm glad you had the uplift of the rest of your family with you. I enjoyed the photos so much.