Tuesday a doctors visit and I am on new medication, has nasty side affects so I hope I am not one to get them. John had a spot off his back.
The house is full of family and the dog, I dont have dogs inside normally so there has been a huge stand off between him and the cat, who mostly walked around twice his size. I am not used to tall teen agers either, my house with two in it seems large, with an extra 4 bodies it was cramped..
Wednesday hair cuts in Adelaide, an up and back trip.
Thursday the Melbourne family left for home, I washed.
Friday we walked it was hot but I came home and did some ironing, actually I ironed for most of the week.
Saturday was another walk and a visit to the big Rotary art Show in town, lovely paintings but nothing for me.
The weather is heating up.
Sunday we had a show about 1 1/2 hours away we took 7 ponies and in 2 rings came home with 10 champions and 4 supremes, well done girls. I left early as I felt very tired and the car broke down!! I managed with the help of the automobile assoc to get home and it is now in being fixed, I hope,
I decided to go blue for the first week of summer and a bit beyond.
We are expecting over 40 deg C all week, it maybe a bit cooler down here, but not much. At least last night was coolish but it has heated up fast this morning. I do not like the heat.
After all the trouble with posting from picasa to blogger at least that is now fixed, or I think it is, so thank goodness for that.
Wow, I don't know how you manage to deal with such a full schedule..That would be overload for me. My best to you for doing it. You set an example for stamina!!
Congrats on the pony show...must be the beauties you photographed before Christmas. Take care in the heat.
You're a busy girl, and yet you manage to capture it all in stitch. Such whimsical patches they are Penny.
You have more stamina than I have Penny, I hope you are surviving the heat and that there are no fires near you. Congratulations on the pony show awards. Cheers
You must be so chuffed about the ponies. Well done!You deserve a prize for doing so much in the heat. I am useless in Summer.
Well done on the pony show!
Hope it cools down for you. I have trouble in the heat and humidity of summer-- can't imagine it in the 40's as I wilt in the high 20's and 30's!
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