A collage of the walk we did before the rain set in. There was a big swell running and some hardy or perhaps fool hardy surfers were out in shark alley, they sometimes get really big sharks out there as we know from our diving days but sometimes I wonder if they know. It was never a place to surf in the old days a big white was reputed to come by regularly so we were told by the fishermen but they have all died (the fishermen and no one nets the bay anymore) now so perhaps no one knows about the tales. I know we were always terribly careful and with the influx of seals around now (there is the one we saw this morning in the photos) I would be even more careful but surfers are not known for their caution.
An interesting morning for photos but unfortunately the best ones of the surf rolling in didnt come out clearly enough.
We always enjoy your sea photos. At my husbands favourite fishing spot there have been several fatal Zambezi (bull shark) attacks on surfers. To think we used to swim there often though not as far out as the surfers..... but the sharks are known to come into the shallows.
I don't know which I enjoy more...the sun glistening on the surface of the water or the crashing waves on the rocks!
Lovely photos, Penny.
Waves are so difficult to get good photos of. How scary about the sharks. The most dangerous thing we have in our seas are jellyfish, and even then their sting isn't fatal.
Love your collage of sky, sea and sun
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