I have added a few bits to this moon piece, it is not showing up terribly well but may look better when you click on it to enlarge it.
I have been rather fascinated by the prayer flag project, Jane LaFazio has a good turorial on her blog, I love the idea of a prayer said and always left a small something when we were in Japan at the shrines.
I found this material, it had been a sheridan cotton pillow slip, for very little in the op shop the other day and decided to use it for the base for my prayer flag.It looked rather Bali ish, and I added the bird made from a piece of Japanese fabric and a few lines from the song To Everything there is a Season as it has special meanings for me
These photos were taken by my very old farmhouse back (main) door, along with a cow bell, a pottery bell and the thermometer that John has just re done as the original plastic disintergrated I wont tell you what is behind that door! You dont want to know.
Another damp and cold day, thank goodness although I have this horror thing that when finally I can get into the garden it will be too hot! I have no hope of cutting things back at the moment with my aching fingers.
Back to finishing my last knitted cup cake for Gina and then they will fly to the UK.
I really love your prayer flag! The added song and bird are so awesome!
Everyone seems to be stitching today! Love your prayer flag, Penny.
Your moons are lovely enlarged, Penny, - as is your prayer flag.
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