A rather odd mix of photos today.
In my mail yesterday was this wonderful leaf from Barry Smith (5th photo down), he lives at Maleny in Queensland and does these beautiful leaves, and with it came a lovely metal tag and a photo. I had ordered the leaf and told him to choose, I love it, only trouble is I really need a couple more!
If you google barrysmithart.com you should find his website. He does amazing stuff with recycled metal.
The Banksia's I collected from the few that remain from the planting John and I did years ago, this is the possum Banksia so called because of its large and furry seed heads. I needed to dress up the old cupboard we found and is now by the back door, so a basket an old friend gave me many years ago came into use and then next to it you can see the collection of shells and skulls and stones that have moved a bit further away from the back door. I am a terrible collector of bits and pieces and the back door area is not wide but I like to add things when I come home from a walk.
The new/old cupboard is a welcome addition and will be a useful bench for doing out door stuff at. It is not pretty but old and battered and it will do, its a bit like me.
The grey fantails have decided to build a nest in the silliest place, just above where we walk to go to the incinerator at the back of the house, every time some one walks out they fly off and scold us, I did manage to get this ones photo and here is the tiny nest in the camellia. The nice thing is that if they decide to sit and hatch out young I can see it all from the kitchen window.
We had a short walk this morning over around Green Bay at Pt Elliott, John had to go to the industrial area to try and get a new drill bit (he was unsuccessful!) so we went a bit further. I loved the way the big swells were cascading off the granite boulders as we walked around the point.
A beautiful morning there.
I wouldn't mind having a browse through that basket of yours :-)
Any time Robyn, you know that.
Those seed pods do look like little animals and the metal leaf is lovely. I'm a collector too of natural finds.
The leaf reminds me of a feather :)
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