to record my random thoughts, drawings, textile art and anything else I think may be of interest
Thursday, January 25, 2018
We have walked the last few mornings although to day was shopping and by the time I have sorted that out and loaded and unloaded the car I am tired so no walk and it is warming up too. There are a lot of Pacific gulls around at the moment and yesterdays walk along the cliffs was cool and overcast and rather lovely, today the clouds have burnt off and the expected few days of heat dont sound too good although I believe it wont be as hot as Adelaide thank goodness. It is Australia day tomorrow and as John was an Australia day recipient we will go in for the celebrations in the town. Hope it is still reasonably cool.I really dont like the heat and my body these days certainly doesnt cope with it very well. My feet swell and ache. I was going to do some sewing but at the moment just feel like reading a book. The stapeleia flower is the second one on this plant, it was covered in ants and blow flies at one stage so I think it does smell like rotten meat, even though it is such a spectacular flower.
That is a really interesting flower penny. I certainly hope your weather is not as hot as it has been in the last couple of weeks. We have a gusty breeze now, but still hot and sticky and only the occasional tantalising shower (most of which last for about two seconds!
I am dabbling with a landscape quilt block. I have been thinking how perfect some of your daily pictures would be translated to fabric. Nature has a couple of stinky flowers, probably their protection, but since the ants like them, maybe it's not working, lol. xx, Carol
That is a really interesting flower penny. I certainly hope your weather is not as hot as it has been in the last couple of weeks. We have a gusty breeze now, but still hot and sticky and only the occasional tantalising shower (most of which last for about two seconds!
I am dabbling with a landscape quilt block. I have been thinking how perfect some of your daily pictures would be translated to fabric. Nature has a couple of stinky flowers, probably their protection, but since the ants like them, maybe it's not working, lol.
xx, Carol
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