I have been a bit tired and not feeling 100% so I hope I haven't posted this before. Tomatoes from the garden, they were planted here when we moved in and it is almost hard to keep up with them. One of my moth orchids is flowering really well again and my tiger striped plant in the bathroom is doing really well. We have our first 3 month inspection tomorrow so there has been a bit of extra cleaning going on, we are now both tired. It is slowly warming up again, we will be in Adelaide on Thursday when the temperatures are for cast for 41 degrees C. Oh joy.
I once had a plant like yours..I think it was called a prayer plant. My house was once so filled with houseplants I had to arrange the furniture to accommodate the plant's light needs. Your orchids are beautiful. Most people I know have a hard time growing them. We are getting 4 inches of snow today. Since it's falling right now, I think the weatherman got it right. I'm staying IN!!
xx, Carol
The tiger striped plant has very pretty leaves.
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