to record my random thoughts, drawings, textile art and anything else I think may be of interest
Tuesday, January 09, 2018
Cliff walk this morning
A much cooler day but it will be warming up again in the next day or so. I suppose we should be thankful that we are not having any prolonged days of heat. Yet! There were quite a lot of walkers but no children, school holidays are still on and obviously parents and grandparents are still down here. Still a lot going on, I see we have a family ride day on the same day as the Tour Down Under finish in Victor Harbor. Usually we go to see part of it but we have appointments in Adelaide that day. I have a new hose so now I can do a better job of watering. I am up to date with the washing and ironing so am catching up with other things.This is a lovely part of the world when it is cool and comfortable. Johns comment when I took the photo of the sheep was that I did realise they were sheep and not Indians. I think he watched too many cowboy and Indian films on the hot day!
I was wondering what the animals on the hill were. John has a good sense of humor. We have become dependent on watching Netflix in the evenings. they have westerns from all over the world. We are watching a series now that originated in Canada. It's our quiet time now. Stuck in the house with a foot of snow and colder than cold...frigid keeps our minds off how much we long for Spring/Summer to return. xx, Carol
I was wondering what the animals on the hill were. John has a good sense of humor. We have become dependent on watching Netflix in the evenings. they have westerns from all over the world. We are watching a series now that originated in Canada. It's our quiet time now. Stuck in the house with a foot of snow and colder than cold...frigid keeps our minds off how much we long for Spring/Summer to return.
xx, Carol
Hi P I love your cliff walks - so different to our mountain views and my Treehaven Way walks - good to be able to share another's walks. Go well. B
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