I am still having a slow day today, not supposed to do much with the shoulder for 48 hours, not that I havent cut up pumpkin for soup and cooked the pears for dessert and other things but I had a lovely mail today as Angela from Land of no cooking blog in the uk sent me this wonderful little bag and chocolates, oh yum! and a great little atc I was so pleased to get them and now I have a fancy small bag to put my sewing projects into.

While I was away Suz of Suztats blog from Canada sent me one of the lovely cards she is giving away on her blog, I think there are a new lot if you like to look.
I love the generosity of the blogging world, nothing asked in return but a thank you, although I do intend to send something back at a later date.
A couple more photos of my Mambray Creek walk, a wonderful piece of old machinery just asking to have its photo taken and perhaps later a painting, and a wonderful base of an old red gum in the paddock.
I have taken photos of both these before but it is a few years since I stayed and had time to walk.
Not the nicest of days today, cold and overcast, that wretched volcano in Chile is upsetting plans, not ours, yet although we head off to Queensland in 10 days via Melbourne and Sydney so I hope the ash cloud has gone by then, but our granddaughters partner was due home for his week off from the mines in Western Australia and went all the way down to Perth to be told he may get a flight on Friday, he has gone back to work and we really dont know when the flights will return to normal, there will be a huge back log.
I am taking things slowly, food has also got terribly expensive so we will be eating out of the freezer and what veg there are in the garden for a while
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