I saw a nice little needle holder over last week end and decided I would like to make one, I am not sure where I found the pattern for this, I searched and searched on line and this is a bit smaller than i want so I will make another but I was quite pleased with the way it turned out.
For such a simple thing it is amazing how long it took my rather fuzzy brain to work it out!
We walked finally this morning, not terribly far and as far as I was concerned very slowly, along the base of The Bluff, but it was lovely to at least be by the sea again.
A very high tide with the odd big surge but mostly this earie dark blue sea.
I havent done a lot today, I feel I need to relax and try and unkink the muscles in the back of my neck, not sure I have done it but I do feel a bit more relaxed.
A trip to Adelaide tomorrow for a meeting and another on Monday for hair cuts wont help so if things dont get done here, well too bad.
Thank you to all who have said nice things to make me feel better, oh and I never did explain about those doll shoes, I cheated, and although I can make some shoes these were ones I have had for ages in a drawer thinking they might come in handy one day. I think making them is probably beyond my capabilities.
I hope those of you in the northern hemisphere are having lovely weather, here it is now cold and bleak and more rain on the way, but one must never complain about rain, we always need every drop, especially when your house uses only rain water.
Sweet little needle holder.
Glad you could walk but wish the aches would let up for you. I am sure the relaxing is very good for you, though resting may seem something you cannot afford to do because of the work glaring at you. It WILL really help you, Penny. Work is more patient than it pretends to be and it WILL WAIT...
I like the needle holder. Did you make your own pattern? I may try to copy your creation.
As hot and dry as it is here, I think your cool rain sounds good!
Prettiest needle holder I've ever seen!!! I might take up knitting more just to have one!!!
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