The abandoned kayak is full of water.
So around the bay I went as far as I could, then came home ready for a long rest!
I have made a doll body and wound some more floss onto thread holders the doll needs antiquing and I dont have the stuff to do that here so she will have to wait.
It was a good day for drying fishy smelling washing so that got done as well.
We are a bit short of eating fish tonight but there are crabs and oysters so we wont starve, but John is not very good at eating oysters, they upset his tummy so I am not sure what he will do but I am sure he wont go hungry as there is plenty of cheese and salad and I am making bread every day.
I am enjoying the views and feeling relaxed, dont so far feel like painting and not much sketching is being done either but heck I am on holiday.
Seems to be a great holiday too, Penny, just doing what you feel like doing!
Hope you're having a wonderful, relaxed holiday!
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