Very simple to make, why havent I made one before? No idea but from now on my tea pot will not get cold.
Up to Adelaide for a meeting and home again, raining and horrid on the way home the meeting went on for far too long, when dont they. As usual I probably had too much to say, but hey things should be run correctly, always were when I was on there so what is so different now? The people involved I suspect.
Perhaps I am just becoming a grumpy old woman.
Back again to Adelaide tomorrow, I hope its not too long a day.
whats not to love about that darling, homey tea cozy.
I have always been a grumpy old woman so join the club.
Awwww, so darling and sweet. I love a tea cozy...
Penny, to me, anyone who can deal with a M*E*E*T*I*N*G* is a Miraculous Being.
My patience dribbles away quickly.
This is the sweetest knitting project! Just as cute as can be!!!
Home again in the rain ..... to a nice cuppa tea and a delightful little tea cosy. I would hate to have to attend meetings!
That's a pretty sweet tea cosy, Penny.
I have great empathy with your frustration with meetings that were once run well under your supervision and are now just a mish mash with not even a nod to Robert's Rules of Order!
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