I have been struggling with a terrible back, I think brought on by my knee exercises, you cant win!
Still things have been done, washing and ironing so I feel a bit virtuous today.
Yesterday I was slothful and read a book.
We did very well with the ponies yesterday, well Sarah and her girls did, it was the riding pony foal show with classes for other breeds, we of course were in the Welsh and my little Rivington Sundress, Imperial Aden's first foal from R Sunsilk was Grand Champion welsh, she is under contract so to speak and her potential new owner was there to see it all and was very excited.
I didnt go as it is a 2 hour trip across the city in the truck and then back again, not good for aches and pains.
My knitted lacy shawl is progressing but goodness knows when it will ever be finished, nice to be able to pick it up when I have a few moments.
It is lovely to hear the rain on the roof and water gurgling down the downpipes, we didnt quite make 10ml up to this morning but with any luck it will creep up to about 15ml by the time it has all passed.
Our non wetting soil is a beast and John tells me that last night the flat where Aden is at the moment was a sheet of water as it hadnt soaked in.
Off to organise dinner, corned beef with mashed potaotes and brussels sprouts and mustard sauce. Yum.

Very cool rainbow shots!!!!! Sorry to hear about your back!!! Dang nation! Hope it goes away quickly!
Glad your ponies did well.
Can't wait to see your finished shawl one day!
Xoxo- Julie
P - amazing shots - not only the rainbow but the light is beautiful. Go well. B
We are both old crocks together Penny. I put my back out moving a very heavy saligna kingsize bed and have been groaning for weeks. Lovely rainbow pics and I'm looking forward to seeing the gannet skull when it's cleaned up.
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