It is still freezing cold, not quite a frost this morning but still 6degrees when I went in to shop at about 9.45 this morning.
I spent most of the day in Victor, doing all the odd jobs and finally found a jacket that I think will be useful if we ever go away at the end of the year.
While we were at Coffin Bay I made a few more little houses, they are such fun to make, I think a few more will be made in the next few months.
I have been doing a lot more quiet stitching on this sun and moon stitchery and I think quite a lot more is still to be done. Although I have decided that I might like to make another cowl, I will see how things pan out, my hands are not working as I would like them to. Arthritis is a pain!! in more ways than one.
Today would have been Stewies 18th Birthday, John and I collected some Banksias and took them up to his grave.
I know I have shown this cupboard before, it was my mothers and after I took the photo I realised that the plate behind the girl with the fish was for the Queens Silver Jubilee.
I have fun with this collection, they move around a bit, treasures from by gone years, collected on travels and made by me (the dolls).
I am still feeling off with this wretched cold, and John is feeling even worse, we have had a few words, not something these days we tend to do, but when both of you are not up to par I suppose it happens.
This is the start of a long week end, here in Oz the Queens Birthday week end, I think we will be trying to be a bit quiet and just get on with things, slowly!
Really enjoyed viewing your lovely collection of items on the cabinet, Penny. Your dolls and small houses are very impressive.
Enjoy your quiet weekend Penny. I love your houses each one is so individual.
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