When we went for lunch on Sunday in the McLaren Vale wine area some of the vines had lost all their leaves but these were looking quite spectacular in all their buttery gold and green finery.
Also at the winery this Western Australian gum was in full flower, I love the way the gold flowers light up a very dull day.
The last photo is of another Western Australian, this time a large flowered and very spectacular hakea
Here it is cold and wet and miserable, the wind and the rain have just about blown all the leaves off the trees and although I love their starkness we havent had cold weather like this for a year or so.
I had a trip in to the physio this afternoon and I think he got a bit rougher with me and I hurt, actually I think my head may fall off my neck!
I am going to see if I can find some quiet sewing to do before I go out and brave the weather and feed the animals.
Well, this is the second try at commenting on this post, I have not been able to comment on your previous post at all. Blogger is not co-operating. The flowers are lovely. I do hope your neck improves soon, especially if you are going away. Is this your annual Queensland trip? I hope the weather is kind to you, seems to have been all over the place lately. Cheers
The grape vines are as colorful as a row of flowers!
Hope your neck improves Penn.The colours of the leaves are spectacular. With a view like that this would be a lovely place to have lunch.
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