I have had the pages for this small book done for ages but it has taken my re interest in making small books to come to the fore and ignite my desire to finish it.
All odd pages done for one reason or other and finally bound into one. It is very tactile and I rather like it and may see if small Mason who has a thing about buttons and rabbits (his is called racket) would like it.
I made the little houses from the pattern in the latest Cloth Paper and Scissors from some papers I made up while we were on Kangaroo Island at Christmas and hasdnt used for anything. I made the first one incorrectly as all the bent over bits should be inside, I corrected that with the second one. Great fun to make they sit on my window sill in the pink workroom at the moment.
A small walk this morning, and a visit to the physio who wants x rays done of my spine and possibly shoulder as he thinks I have a pinched nerve.
Now to see if I can get an appointment with my GP to get the go ahead. I hope it can be fixed as I cant sleep on that side at night and now I am having restriction in turining my neck, cant make for safe driving.
We have had sun today, so much nicer and I have started on a new knitting project. I think I will sit for a while in the sun room with the cat and do some knitting.
What a lovely little book. You have such good ideas and everything is so neatly and lovingly sewn together. Just the thing to fascinate a toddler. It will make a great present.
Lovely book abd houses Penny. Hope you get your pinched nerve fixed soon - that can be very painful. I am off to the orthapod on Monday, then an MRI and see what is wrong with my knee. I can barely hobble, let alone go for a walk at present, very frustrating. Cheers.
I really "Love" your fabric books, Penny. Maybe I can try making a simple one and incorporate it into my mailart.
What a charming little book, Penny, and as Virginia says just the thing to fascinate a toddler.
I just adore the fabric book and the little houses they are gorgeous Penny.
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