Friday, February 22, 2019

Beach walks

Feeling rather mortal today, one of John's fishing team died last night, we new it was going to happen, but not quite so suddenly. Another close friend came for lunch, she had just been to a funeral and a frfiend rang this morning to tell of two more who were no longer with us. I suppose it is an age but it can be terribly depressing. Lunch with R was lovely and broke up our day and I have been out watering my front plants. Looks like a week of very hot weather ahead of us. The loast week or so has been so mild and pleasant. My shingles ache is still happening too, very tiring. Better go and make a salad for dinner.


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Terry suffers shingle aches. They say you can't get shingles more than twice. His first episode was years ago when they never came to the surface but caused pain. Just last year he had a break out. Now he has Acyclovir on hand when the ache starts so he can nip it in the bud. Works almost immediately.

Last year we went to the funeral of a friend almost every month, plus my SIL passed two weeks ago. I fear this will be another bad year.

Chin up girl. Enjoy each day as you can.
xx, Carol

Barry said...

Hi P - one of the sad things of ageing is being part of a cohort where folk are dropping off more regularly - to be expected based on age etc - but sad all the same - and as you say makes one feel mortal. All the more reason to just get out there and do as much as we can to enjoy life. B