to record my random thoughts, drawings, textile art and anything else I think may be of interest
Monday, June 18, 2018
The last day or so.
It has been very cold and damp. The knitting and some embroidery have come out. Felix the urge to make some booties for the baby when he arrives. John bought me a lovely cyclamen and the orchids are a joy at the moment. Beach walks have been cold but enjoyable and the odd art show has kept the brain alive. I have just decided to do a class with Ines Seidel at the Fibre Arts Australia to be held in October in Adelaide. 5 days of live in fun and not far away. Just hope I survive it! It is also cooking weather, soups and stews are on the menu at the moment. Just wish I had a fire. The a/c is not the same.
We are extremely hot and humid. The garden is looking like a jungle. First it was too cold to work outside...then continual unseasonably hot and humid. Another bout of weird summer weather I fear. It is normally like this in August. xx, Carol
We are extremely hot and humid. The garden is looking like a jungle. First it was too cold to work outside...then continual unseasonably hot and humid. Another bout of weird summer weather I fear. It is normally like this in August.
xx, Carol
Hi P - indoor jobs and winter cooking are essential in the current cold period. Hopefully the chill factor will pass in a couple more days. B
I am enjoying the cold windy walks and it is nice to have the urge to cook.
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