Thank goodness I now seem to have shaken the wretched lurgi that attacked me and I feel better.
we have archery at the end of the valley, lovely to see that the oval which fell into disuse is now being used again, along with the old hall, or the joy shed as my father in law used to call it and the tennis courts. It would be nice if they played cricket on the oval again but I think a few trees have got rather large, it used to be a hive of activity but not any more sadly, at least this is giving some parts of it a new lease of life..
The mornings have been warming up and we are in for a few very hot days for October, 10 degrees above the average they say. We have hay down not a lot but I hope it is all done before or if we get any rain.
John has gone fishing today so although we walked together yesterday, the cliff path near Petrels I walked along the Hayborough beach alone this morning, the river is dammed back so no need to worry about crossing it but an awful lot of large dogs with owners throwing balls in all directions which was a bit more than I needed so I cut my walk short.
The wind has come up so I am glad John and the crew went down to the Murray mouth and Coorong to fish, a bit safer than the sea, they were all desperate to go out but wether they catch any fish, who knows.
I think I may be on fire watch, total fire bans but there were burn offs around us last night, I do wish people would be sensible when it comes to fires.
To live in an area where there is a risk of fire must be very scary. Here in the UK, where we live, we have so much wet weather it is not a risk.
Hi P - so good to check out your blog on walks after reading Robyn's and my on on my Wednesday walk. Maybe it a thing with some artists we walk for quietness, nourishment and inspiration. Enjoy. B
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