A busy week, we walked, I washed and vacuumed, then headed up to Adelaide to stay with P and went to look at some art galleries. I came home and met John and we walked It rained and blew and then we had another walk with a lovely morning and sun shine and then a rainy afternoon and I potted up some plan Sunday was mothers day, John took me out for lunch and 3 out of the 4 children rang which isnt bad.
this morning we went in to walk on the beach but it was quite a high tide so we walked the cliffs instead. Another lovely walk.
I am still cleaning out bookshelves, so took another load over to E at Yankalilla, a glorious drive along through the back road sun shining and autumn leaves blowing. Saw a gorgeous little vignette but was passed it before I thought to stop and tale a photo, golden elm trees, a windmill going and a very old abandoned cottage, must go back but I dont suppose the light will be as good.
1 comment:
Your stitchery is adorable!!!
and that landscape... utterly spectacular!!!!! I can almost feel the mist from the waves.
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