This splash of colour is welcome. The leaves on the glory vine are starting to fall and as quick as they fall John blows them away.
We have suddenly turned from warm days to cold ones and trying to find time to walk between showers is not easy.
Yesterday we had dental appointments in Adelaide but also took the time to go to the Art gallery and see something I didnt like called I think ( shows I really didnt like it!) Dark arts, I find looking at anything in poorly lit rooms difficult as my strange eyes dont like it and walking up and down the stairs with dim lights to see by is ok for the young but not for me.
I did enjoy the Netsuke exhibition but do think my sister has a much more interesting collection.
The less said abut the dentist the better, however much I clean my teeth the more he finds to complain about.
I do find going to Adelaide terribly tiring these days and was so pleased I had thought to make a casserole the day before so we had left overs last night.
No walk today as it is raining but i did get the shopping done, and I may just sit by the fire and do some more knitting. I have the back of my sleeveless vest done, now to find the wool for the front! I think it will be rather a patched vest but I dont mind as I only intend to wear it at home.
Sorry you saw an exhibition you did not like. The rain you have had nust have been marvellous. That cold change is even reaching Qld today, thank goodness we will be off home tomorrow. Love the colours in your foliage. Cheers
Gorgeous foliage...the only thing I really miss about colder climes.
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