Barbara Willis doll, no hair but I have got her bloomers on, still more to do here and on the other dols I am slowly trying to finish.
It was all such fun.
Since I came home it has blown a gale, poured with rain, and now it is warm and sunny.
John has gone fishing.
I am still feeling my knee could be co operating better but I am trying to get things done inside as outside is too depressing!! Weeds!! But the soil is still too damp too pull them and I am not sure how or if I can get down to do it any way.
I am making a steak and kidney pie for dinner, its fathers day but so far only I have remembered, perhaps they will ring tonight.
Click to enlarge photos, and sorry about the doll backgounds!!
Your dolls are looking great Penny.
Love your dollies Penny, - what a delightful and creative way to spend time.
I love your dolls too. You seem to have been very busy since you came home! I see it will be 28 in Adelaide today - you are certainly getting every season in a week down there! Cheers.
That is a very sweet sampler, Penny!!! Love it! Your dollas are so neat! How fun!!!
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