Some of these are Oscar fish as I dont like rock cod or red mullet.
We baked the nanagi, the bigger red fish and it was lovely.
My Barbara Willis doll is finished but still needs her hair, I may do that today, and my elinor peace bailey doll, seen headless and under construction is now finished and I love her, just great the wild collection of fabrics and colours.
I am slowly getting them finished, the only one who hasnt progressed is the Patti Culea one, but she is rather more complicated, I hope to finish her socks and shoes today.
My knee must be progressing as we walked quite a long way today, it has been un seasonably warm and muggy for the last few days, blossoms are erupting on the trees, the grass is going mad, as our the weeds. My biggest gripe is that I keep needing rests.
This is so interesting.. look at all those different colored fish.. wow... and your dolls areamazing... so detailed.. you are so talented!!
I love these crazy little dolls, what a lot of work must go into them.
Your dolls are all so different - and all lovely. Cheers
The dolls are so fun!!! AND...wowzers on all those lovely fish! What a wonderful menu of fish, fish, and more fish...cooked all different ways! MMMMM...I can taste them all now!!! Over here, I am truly sick of summer. It is still too hot and humid, and I am waiting the first cool dry day of fall. Geeze, am I ever! Take care, Penny!
xoxo- Julie
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