Not quite as windy now but cold and damp as you can see by the first photo, then a little ray of sunshine, as John said the Cootamundra wattle always seems to flower in weather like this, a glow of gold down the track.
I have been playing with some fabric pages to commemorate the trip to Broken Hill incorporating photos, things we were given and a few things I made, not finished yet but here are two pages.
The first on some rusted fabric and the second on fabric we dyed while we were up there.
I am not quite sure where I am going from here but I still have plenty of stuff to play around with.
Now off to put up the hem on Johns pants, and a pair I bought yesterday. I hate turning up hems but it has to be done.
We did manage to move the Japanese bantams out of their wet cage and into a dry one before the rain yesterday and they seem very happy to be where they are.
I just hope no marauding foxes have any ideas.

1 comment:
Dont envy your weather, ours here in Qld has b een awful but no gales thank goodness.
Am really interested in your fabric book..I am thinking along that line for stitching my samplers onto the pages, but cant work out how to put the book together..it would be a wonderful way to preserve the samplers. I have been thinking of using homespun because there is a lot of colour in the samplers, but the dyed pages would be interesting.
Do you know of anywhere on the net to get an idea of designing one of these.
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