I rushed outside in my pyjamas and rubber boots and took the first couple of photos in the garden. I love the almost sepia tones that I got .
The third one was taken almost at the end of our road with the sun shining through the fog, just as well I have my camera with me where ever I go these days.
Then the baby wombat, he is about 8 months old and is being hand reared by the girl who runs the wild life park, he was so soft and very unafraid and absolutely gorgeous.Of course when he reaches adult hood he will be large and difficult to manage but right now he is beautiful.
Our farmers market this morning had a special whale event to celebrate the return of the whales to our waters so he was part of that. I love going to our market, I dont buy a lot but I love the atmosphere and seeing what is going on and meeting up with people.
I put the atc's up as an afterthought as June is now over and these went off to the various birthday girls in June. I hope they like them. I cant for the life of me remember which went to who, they were all a bit different and different ways of making them, the first was on a silk background with a very complex made cloth in the centre bit, not the heart, that was a cut out chocolate wrapper. I think this was layers of threads and possibly paint lots of stitching then burnt back.
The lower left was made on my embellishing machine with a base of transfer gold onto vliesofix and then lines of wool, some stitching and a cut out metal flower attached. The last one was made on felt which had some trans foil on the background, some threads and then the flower foot was used to stitch the flowers on it. Sequins and braid added.
I am a bad swap person as I quite often use samples and then cant remember how I made them!
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