We went over to Pt Elliott and as the tide was low wandered along towards the point, of crockery bay and then headed inland to watch with amusement the whale watchers, on all sorts of advantage points, watching the whales.
We watched too but all my photos are over exposed, and any way you are lucky to get more than a puff of air or a tail or flipper and with my little camera the distance is too great, but as we walked around to Horseshoe bay for a coffee we did spy a seal foraging amongst the rocks, probably looking for sea urchins, again although he was a lot closer all you get is a back and hind flippers.
I doubt if many people even realised he was there they were so intent on the whales.
While we were having our coffee a wedding party went past and John was sure they were going to get married on the little jetty and he was right, again my photos are long shots but I had to take them. I hope they had a happy day. Dont you love the fisherman on the end of the jetty!
I am so glad we live in such a lovely part of the world and nothing is very far away.
Still cold, after this morning I found myself feeling rather tired, again, I am sick of this but I did manage to do a few bits and pieces and I have started knitting a scarf and it is well under way. If I have to rest I might as well do something productive.
merliWhat a beautiful setting, I hope she had a lovely day and the fisherman caught his fish.
Your tiredness seems to be hanging on, Penny! Maybe a check-up would be advisable. Some disorders develope rather quickly!
Two months ago, out of no where, I began feeling unexplainably tired, restless, sighing a lot, and even a bit grumpy...just wasn't feeling well. Just thought I was depessed over a recent friend's death.
Then my BP went from it's normal 115/76 to 158/90...blood tests showed I had a low functioning thyroid! One little pill got me back to normal.
Hope you are feeling better soon!
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