I am not sure if this is just an excuse or that getting older is actually catching up with me. Something I dont want to admit to.
Two wonderful books arrived this week and this one by Jan Messent is an absolutely must have book, if only for the illustrations, let alone what she has done and the ideas that are tumbling around in my head.
I knew that when we were in the UK last year there was a reason I was going to all those areas and steeping myself in the history of the celts and the Vikings and generally the Middle ages.
I should start at the beginning but that is not the way my magpie mind works!
The first photo is of another of my gelatin prints that I have done some hand stitching on, I love doing this it is so relaxing.
As well as shopping yesterday we walked along the cliffs near Petrels Cove, it was one of those cold still days when the sea and the sky seem to merge into one.
A long slow swell was coming in as you can see from the first of these photos, this is a magic time of the year for walking these cliffs and the mallows were in full flower, I think they are introduced but I really dont mind when you see these lovely bright flowers on a dullish sort of day.
We had parked the ute in front of the sign, I know it is unsafe as I nearly drowned there once but it is still a lovely beach, no surfers today, they had a carnival on further down the coast, and no whales either although sometimes they can be seen from here.
I rather liked the way the rocks going into the sea at the end of the Bluff look like a dragons tail.
Click on photos to enlarge them.
Did you do this gelatin print on paper or fabric? I love the stitcheng on it, and one day I hope to be able to do a gelatin print! Yours is gorgeous!!!!!!
Ooo this is a lovely stitched gelatin print and the book looks wonderful even to someone who doesn't do embroidery.
You gelatin print is great the technique sounds fascinating.
I have one of Jan Messants early books called The Embroiderer's Workbook which is great. One where she based her work a lot on nature.
Your views never cease to amaze me keep up the photos. You could work those Mallow flowers with the buttonhole cup stitch we did last week.
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