A bit of play yesterday with some paint and this morning some photos of my front garden, pink sage and a holly hock. Love holly hocks as I could never grow them on the farm as the crusader bugs gave them a virus. In to shop early this morning, still a lot of empty shelves and as it was a nasty hot and windy day a lot of people. I think apart from milk and fresh fruit and veg I have enough for 2 weeks and we have a great green grocer that should have all of that. I couldn't believe what was not on the shelves but I normally have a reasonable stock of stuff, that's what being a farmers wife does to you. I came home aching so I hope the cooler weather isn't too far away. No walk this morning, shopping was enough. We had 2 yesterday and I think one late this afternoon. Lots of on line courses are appearing, some free too so that is good. Back to some sewing to see if I really have got this bag sorted.
P - isn't it great to have a little colour around in these challenging times and as the autumn starts to take the light. B
Your flowers are vivid. One can never have enough flowers blooming to soothe our souls. We are anticipating a move across country to land that is kind of in a desert type environment. I am already worried about what kind of flowers, if any will grow there. One thing I DO know is there it is breezy there. That is good news to me since I collect wind chimes.
Be well
xx, Carol
Your flowers are very cheering.
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