to record my random thoughts, drawings, textile art and anything else I think may be of interest
Monday, November 12, 2018
Yesterdays walk, with snake.
It is really starting to warm up. We had a lovely week end catching up with oldest son who was over from Melbourne to a school reunion. We havent made it to Melbourne for so long and it was just so nice to catch up with him. I miss the Melbourne family, they have a few problems too so it is nice to talk face to face. The cliff walk threw up a surprise, not that I dont expect to see the odd lizard or snake but thankfully John saw it in time to stop me wandering past without seeing it. The browns are not terribly easy to see. Probably came out of the next door paddocks which had just been baled. Summer is about to start with a vengeance, and no decent rain in sight. Today is hot, our morning walk on the beach was a bit short as a hot northerly wind suddenly replaced the very nice southerly. I did find a cowrie which was nice, havent found one for ages. I am still making little angels, dressing them at the moment. to hot to be outside at the moment, not terribly comfortable inside either.
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