Spectacular skies lately. the wind has calmed down and it is warming up. They were baling hay by the cliff top the other day. Lucky to have it as it hasnt been a good season. A very un afraid sea gull by the car yesterday. I have finished all the little bodies I have at the moment, have made a bed up in case our e3ldest son appears today. and did walk this morning. I am back to feeling full of aches, not much fun so taking things a bit slowly. Sick of this getting old c..p. Off to thrive the little petunias I planted the other day. Wish we would have a decent rain.
Oh Penny how I envy you the coming Summer. Gettint colder by the day here.
We had snow today. It is 20 degrees right now. This is the temp that is normal for January here. Our normal high should be 52. I have vowed to stay in as much as I can during the cold weather. I fear Terry or I might take a fall and it's much easier to injure yourself at this age.
Have a great weekend.
xx, Carol
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